Cowell Area School

A positive, collaborative community of resilient learners, prepared for future challenges

Cowell Area School

A positive, collaborative community of resilient learners, prepared for future challenges

Cowell Area School

A positive, collaborative community of resilient learners, prepared for future challenges

Respect  ·  Responsibility  ·  Success  ·  Learning

Order your oysters today!

From $10.00 per dozen

About Cowell

Cowell is located on the Eastern side of Eyre Peninsula, 107 km South of Whyalla and 165 km North of Pt. Lincoln. The township itself is situated on Franklin Harbour; a large almost land locked body of seawater, with a narrow entrance of 300 m wide into Spencer Gulf.

The town has a population of 1070 (2011 ABS). It is well serviced by numerous shops and community/government organisations.

The district traditionally grows wheat and sheep. It is world renowned for its black and green jade and is also fast becoming known nationally and internationally known for its magnificent oysters and other seafood delights.

The healthy state of the mangroves and tape seaweed inside the harbour make it an ideal breeding ground and nursery for many fish species. The good fishing brings many tourists interested in fishing to the area.

Oyster Lease and Aquaculture Program

The Aquaculture Course at Cowell Area School has grown from an idea put forward by a group of local oyster growers to a structured course undertaken over two years of senior secondary schooling.


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